

23 ratings
I want this!


23 ratings

Mus means Mouse in Latin it is the mouse/sugar glider avatar! VRChat ready

Want to try out any of my avatars? This the world for all my public avatars.

Rezillo VRChat avatar world

Or Try this link for the public avatar to try for free:

Public VRC Mouse Optimized

Public VRC Sugar Glider

The goal of this avatar was to make something very optimized.

Unity scenes should be ready to go but some basic Unity knowledge is needed to upload the avatar.

There are group nodes under the root of each avatar that you can pull off the avatar if u wish to optimize the avatar even farther like having less dynamics you don’t wish to use.

It is recommended to get VRCFury https://vrcfury.com/ as I used that to bake the many blendshapes away from the avatar that aren’t being used. ((Helps to keep optimized and in case of rippers they lose many of the blendshapes))

((((This is not refundable))))
You are buying a digital copy; therefore, you cannot physically give the product back to fairly get your money back. I am giving this warning before anyone buys and then asks for a refund for any reason. However, let me know if the files will not load or have errors then I can look into it so you still can enjoy the avatar when you did pay me for it. Only case I can think of is if someone accidentally buys another copy and I can refund the copy.

You can contact me on any details at Jonathan@raccoonanimations.com if you can't reach me on Discord or Twitter.

((Please keep your email as well.))
I can resend any receipts if you ever lost it in the email or lost your Gumroad account the avatar was attached to.

-Mouse and Sugar glider version that you can toggle and choose from.

-The avatar is just 14,860 polys with all features. The mouse version has 9,156
-HD version that is around 42,000 polys
-digi grade leg option using Final IK in Unity
-requires Final IK free stub to use the scripts found here

GitHub Final IK stub

-Simple clothing texture.
-Pouch for the sugar glider. (Capsule just displaying when seat turns on)

-Seat instructions: You can keep the seat off with a toggle. Turning on the seat is simply grabbing pouch and pulling it open to simply toggle it off you just pull it fully open and then both OPEN hands letting go will turn off the seat.

-Corrective shapes with dynamics to control the limbs when you bend

-Over 500 blendshapes: Many face, body edits with also face animation and tracking shapes.


  • Maya (starting source)
  • Blender
  • Substance Painter 2020
  • FBX
  • Unity packages

Link to our Discord server:

Rexouria Discord

The avatar is planned to be able to put in your license key and get this preset inside Resonite in the world called:
Rezillo Avatar Distributer
You can check out this VR platform on Steam if you wish to know more about it



Upon purchase, you are free to edit them however you like.
-Do not resell or share the assets (commissioning for edits are fine as long as each party owns it)

However I respectfully ask,

-Don't do None safe for work

-Keeping credit to the creator.

-You are allowed to make the avatar set to public on VRChat, Please share the link to this page and to the https://discord.gg/rexouria if you do so.

I am not responsible for any misuse to the model or not following TOS with any platform rules.

I want this!

Ready to go avatar for VRChat and likely other platforms with original files and rigs

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No refunds allowed


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